Rock chip repair   

The main reason why we do rock chip repair, is to keep are windshields from cracking and needing to be replaced. Visibility is also a good reason to get a repair. By repairing the chip you are not only strengthening your windshield, but improving the clarity of what you can see through the windshield. Replacing a windshield can get pricey, even when you use your car insurance. Rock chip repair on the other hand, is usually free!

This chip has a very high chance of cracking out, because of the number of legs.
As you can see, once the chip is repaired there is only a small blemish left behind.
Free Repair

How is it free?

This is a great question. I’m sure you have seen these signs at gas stations, car washes, or lube stations. It is a little miss leading, because it is not free for everyone and in most cases an insurance company is paying for it. It may be free to the customer or “no money out of pocket”, but the customer pays for insurance every month. If you carry comprehinsive coverage on your vehicle, the majority of the insurance companys will waive your deductable for the repair, thus making it free. Your deductalble is only collected if you replace the windshield and use your insurance to do so.

why do insurances pay for it?

There are a couple of reasons why insurance companies will pay to have the repair done for the customer. The main reason is perventitave matinance. If the chip was to crack out a replacement will become necissary, which is more costly. For example, if you carry a $0 comprehensive deductible, the insurance company will have to pay for the intire cost of the replacement which could be anyware from $200 up to $1,000 depending on the vehicale.

